Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Peter Weibel: Observation of the Observation: Uncertainty

This installation is part of the video sculpture 'Crucifixion of the Identity' for both works have to do with crosses.
The closed-circuit video installation called Observation of Observation - Uncertainty (1973) produced a self-image of the spectator that mirrored them from a different point of view but never through the laws of physical mirroring. In a similar manner to his previous work the distortion of the self through the self-representation, or more particularly the diverse expectation and novel observation of the self, generated a shifted self-consciousness.
Weibel: 'The cameras and monitors are juxtaposed in such a way that the viewers are unable to see themselves from the front, no matter how much they twist and turn. The self-observers see different parts of their bodies, but never their faces. Shut inside a room, every point in the room is the observers jailer, perspective of their deathly fate.'


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